UCL Political Science Events

POLICY AND PRACTICE - The IFS Deaton Review on Inequality

Episode Summary

Inequalities are at the forefront of today’s public and policy debates. They have been linked to some of the most important political events, including the rise of populism across the developed world and the vote for Brexit, and have sparked worldwide protest movements.

Episode Notes

The Covid pandemic has exacerbated many existing inequalities and introduced new ones. There could hardly be a more pressing time to understand how inequalities arise, which ones matter, why, and how they should be addressed. Professor Sir Richard Blundell (UCL), Research Director at IFS and PI for the Deaton Review: Inequalities in the 21st Century, will lead the discussion with a presentation of some of the key inequality issues facing the UK. He will be joined by Professor Penny Goldberg (Yale), Chief Economist of the World Bank Group 2018-2020, to examine the role of globalisation and trade on inequality.

Presentation slides: